We cannot believe how much you have grown and continue every month. This month our challenge is that you are teething. It breaks our heart to see you in pain. But you are tough and are taking it so well. You have been talking and laughing so much during the day. You are also a great listener. When we talk to you, you look at us so attentively. You're talking so much words now. But it doesn't really make sense. It's fun watching you talk though. It has been so much fun for us to watch you grow. You're going to be crawling soon...UhOOh! We'll be ready.
BorisPop: dang, Bee, you are growing so quick! every day is a new chapter and unlocking of your abilities to express yourself.
just the other day, for the first time, you starting opening your mouth wide open when you wanted the next mouthful of your pears/mangos, while we were feeding you. by the time you can read this, you are going to think this is not a big deal.....but it is, as its your way of saying "im ready and waiting for my next bite". not only is this a large leap in your learning how to tell us what you want (without being able to say it yet)......but i happens to be in the top ten of the thousands of adorable traits you exibit everyday. your daddy here got quite a bit choked up when i saw this new step, and started screaming to your momma that you were doing it......turns out, you had been doing it for a couple days, and she had already experienced this new revalation. the softy in your father can some times get the best of him, and put a lot on a little experience...........god only knows how i will flip out when you say your first real words (other than "hey!")........walk for the first time.........ride a bike......write your first song on a guitar.........skate your first empty swimming pool.........paint your first oil painting.....etc......etc.....
happy 7 months, my sweet little baby boy!