Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cousin Joshua

Your cousin Joshua(AKA Daddy's little shadow) and you have been having so much fun together. You love spending time with him. Whenever you wake up Joshua would run to you to make sure you're ok and let Mommy know that you are awake. When you see him, your eyes open wide and you give him the biggest smile. It warms my heart to see the connection. To think that we will miss hanging out with him when we go home really breaks my heart. I know you will miss him and will look for him. Aaaaah...we will make the most of the rest of the week and enjoy every moment with Joshua. And when we come back and visit again during XMAS, you will walk and it will be so fun. I know you will walk early, you love to stand!

Little Joshua is a character, full of energy and life! He loves to talk...ALL DAY long. He likes to ask lots of questions, no wonder he is so bright and knows a lot of things. He is a curious little boy. He also loves to follow Daddy around. Whatever Daddy does, Joshua wants to do and ask why why why. It does not annoy us as it annoy his two brothers Michael (13) and Timmy(16). We love talking to Joshua and spending time with him. He is a really sweet boy and has been so helpful with helping us taking care of you. Aaaa little Joshua...

Auntie Ramie and Uncle Mark

Last Saturday Auntie Ramie and Uncle Mark drove all the way from San Diego to LA to visit us at Auntie Wendy's house. It was so nice to see them and spend time with them. It has been so hot in LA, we don't want to go anywhere during the day. You do not like the heat at all. Who does? I don't know. It has been fun just hanging out at home with your cousins Timmy, Michael and Joshua.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

BEEBAO Adventure to Los Angeles

We're in LA!!! BeeBao first plane ride was awesome! Thank you so much for being a perfect baby. Mommy and Daddy was a little nervous because we didn't know how you take it. But you took it so well!!! Amazingly well!!! You were looking and observing the whole time. Smiling at passengers and making conversations(in your cute baby voice.) You slept a little bit but for the most awake part you did so well. Thank you so much. I'm hoping that it will be this perfect on the way back. LA Airport is way busier and crazier than Portland. Aaaaa...grrrr...LA traffic suck. Everyone is always in a hurry and racing to get to places. MADNESS I tell you MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!

We're in LA for our first solo art show and it went really well. Many people came to our solo "TWEEQIM, 365 MOONS" show, more than we expected. Some people travelled from far places! Many people have been following what we do and tell us that they love our work. This make Mommy and Daddy feel very good at what we do for a living. We got a lot of great compliments on our work. We were sent here and sponsored by Pepsi and our plane ticket, fancy hotel and a few cool things were FREE! I love that! FREEEEEEEEEE! (A few years ago we went to Italy and met Armani for FREE! That's another story Mommy have to write later!) I hope we get sponsored more to do what we love.

You went in the pool for the first time. We stayed at Le Parc Hotel in West Hollywood. The pool and tennis court was on top of the roof and we can see a smoggy view of LA. We had fun. I love staying in nice Hotels. Oh! We finally get to eat at our favorite Thai's Restaurant. Ooooo so yummy!!!

Grandma was so happy to see you! And you finally met your Auntie Wendy! She loves you! And you so love little Joshua. He can make you laugh so loud. Mommy brain is scattered right now. I have not been sleeping much for two weeks. And your cousin Joshua(7) is trying to read this as I'm typing and he is confusing Mommy! So I will stop now and go to bed and post more pics tomorrow. We have many plans and people to see, meet many people on this trip. I'm also distracted as Daddy is explaining to cousins Michael and Joshua that the Who was the first Rock N ROll band and Daddy meet them and had wine with one of them. Mommy brain is fading as Joshua is next to Mommy ears asking why why why why why...GO TO SLEEP LITTLE JOSHUA...JOSHUA IS STILL READING WHILE MOMMY IS TYPING AND ASKING WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! to be continued.

Friday, August 17, 2007

One of BeeBao's Fav Bedtime Books

And we always end up reading the last sentence, "HOORAY!" "BORIS YOU ARE ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY FRIENDS FOREVER.

Thank you Aaron! BeeBao loves this book. So sweeeet!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Today is Mommy and Daddy 6 Years Anniversary. It is one of our Anniversaries that we celebrate every year. We have 3,
August 12 is when Mommy and Daddy went on our first date after being friends for a while and realized that we really like each other. October 30th is our Wedding Anniversary when we realized that we could not live without each other and that we are best friends and soulmate for life! Uncle Sang married us and we celebrated with most of our family and friends. November 6th is our "Official" Anniversary when we first moved to Portland and signed some papers to let the government know that we got married. These dates are all important to us. But we find something to celebrate every week, month etc...anyway.

We went to the ChartHouse Restaurant up in the mountain. It was a pretty clear day so we can see a nice view where we were sitting. BeeBao was on good behavior as usual. We had a great delicious meal! Aaah...YUMMY!!! Crab Mango Stack...we always have to get that when we're there. Then Primerib, Steak, Lobster and etc for dinner. And for dessert we have to have the Lava Cake, ice cream and chocolate fudge cake. You wanted to take a bite of it but that will be a couple of years from now. It was a good day. Tomorrow Mommy will do some extra walking to work it off. Heehee...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

HAPPY 5th Month BeeBao!!!

BeeBao has grown so much over these past months. You can stand and sit pretty firm. You are eating your baby cereal and have started eating peas this week.(Your pooppy stink more than ever! LOL!) I remember your first smile, it was the sweetest thing in the world. And now that's how it's like everyday, from the moment you wake up and throughout the day. Your laughter are the best sound Mommy have ever heard. The 3 of us would just laugh out loud and it just melt my heart. You just brighten up our day everyday. We are so happy to have you in our life. You are perfect. We love you so much. When you are asleep we watch you and tell each other how beautiful you are. And when we work at night, we show each other pictures that we have taken of you during the day. (Mommy bought you some 500 GB of ext harddisk to archive everything!!! I'm sure I have to buy more later. I'm a nerd. Hopefully when I give it to you USB won't be obsolete and Apple won't totally change it's computer to be incompatible with stuff until you upgrade their stuff! Stoopid!!! Daddy will know what I mean. Daddy went through a lot of trouble these past weeks to get Mommy computer hooked up to the internet. Damn Apple!) Sorry. Okay back to how adorable you are and how much we love you!!! We are so lucky and happy!!! We will always be here for you no matter what. Mommy and Daddy are so in love with you. We are one happy family and will always be.

BorisPop: happy 5th BeeBao........mommy said it all. she has done a very good job at saying how we feel about you.......and Apple, after our lateset hassles. but best not slag these Apple machines too much......they will be yours in a few years, when we put you to work for TWEEQIM! heeeheeee..........love you Dinky Bee!

Delicious(?) and Nutritious

BorisPop: when i was a little lad....i remember these liquid vitamens tasting pretty much like any other medicine in liquid
form......like hell on earth, that is now in your mouth. you would think that 40+ years, they would have found a way to
make this stuff taste better. i guess not. my least favorite thing to do in the day is to give these drops to BeeBao, as he always
seems up to it, ready to give it a go again........that maybe, just maybe, the drops wont taste so awful today. but, that is never the case, and he just troops on. i tasted a couple drops the other day, to see if he was just being dramatic........and he is not.
it tastes like putting your whole tongue on a 9 volt battery, that maybe had a orange peel rubbed all over it. in 40+ years, the fine folks at Gerber have succeeded in making this an even more horrible experience for tikes. its ok BeeBao....when you have teeth, ill introduce you to Flinstones chewables.....they are sooo much better. eeeyuck.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

BeeBao's Buddy Jonah

BeeBao and Jonah were born at the same hospital and on the same bed just two days apart. You two have a special bond. I can tell. Jonah's parents are cool too so we all will be friends for a long time. You two are starting to recognized each other and have even started your babbling conversations. So cute!!!