BeeBao, you've been sick for almost a week. Daddy was sick before that and tried his best to not pass it on to us. And when he got better, you got sick! I don't think you got it from Daddy though. Last Wednesday, we went to a daycare center to check it out. And Mommy didn't realized it until recently that you probably got sick from there. There were a few kids that look sick there, or maybe they were just weird looking. Not all kids are cute you know. Haha... but true. So I've been internalizing, how you got sick and how it could have been avoided. Hmm...what was I thinking happens, you will get sick. But it is so sad to see you sick and helpless.
You got the stomach flu. The first night you woke up at 2am throwing up. Then throwing up every hour till the morning. We've changed 6 pajamas(including Mommy's), and the bed was a mess. Then around 11am you had diarrhea!!! This has been going on for 4 days. The first few days, all you had was pedialyte, bread, crackers and water. If anything else you would throw it up again. But through it all you weren't making a big fuss about it. When you felt sick and your tummy hurt, you would want Mommy to hold you and you say, "Mommy, BaaBoo hurt," or "BaaBoo sick, sad, hug". Lots of hugging and cuddling, and reading lots and lots of books these past few days.
On Saturday, we wanted to avoid the snow storm the next day, so we took you to Toys R Us to buy XMAS presents. Then we took you on the Merry Go round at the mall. It made us very dizzy. When we got home you threw up again. What were we thinking. Poor thing! You weren't completely over being sick yet. So we are not going outside, seeing anyone until you are all better. It sux being in the house all day long. Finally today you felt a lot better and Mommy was able to take a shower.
It has been so cold outside. We had a snow storm the other day. It looks so awesome as we watched it from the window. Daddy went outside and took lots of pictures w his iPhone (if you ever want to drive him crazy, hide his iPhone.) I hope you feel better soon, we have a Bear Cruise to go to this Saturday. We've missed out on 3 parties this weekend. All your friends misses you. The nicest thing last week, Heidi, Gus' mom bought us grocery and put it on our doorstep. That was so nice of her. Our friends have been calling us to see if we need anything else too, because you were sick. They know how it is to have a sick kid. We have the nicest friends. It's almost 3am and Mommy brain is going blank...but I wanted to write that you are sick so it will take a while to blog and post pictures of you. Maybe Daddy will take a break from work and put up some pics...brain...blank...zzzzzzzzzz