A picture is worth a thousand words, but then again when MIQ gets a chance he will write you a book about today.
a note from daddy:
no book here, just a sentiment ....these photos represent 30 of the warmest minutes of my life. the Bee maybe too young to grasp the concept of father's day, and what it meant to me to recieve a card by him with his scribblings, but i can tell you (who ever reads this), that it marks a moment in my life where i have felt the real change in who i am as a person, and the things i care about. my friend Aaron (father of 3) told me to expect different emotional switches to click on, in having a child, and this was a big one. a warm, fuzzy, reality check of where i am in my life, with an incredible soulmate, and our happy little
bundle of Bee that we created. i never experienced this sort of moment, or connection with my father. not a sob story, i didnt know what it was supposed to feel like, as the feelings/experience just flat out, never existed. this brand new ritual, of laying in bed, son propped up next to me, wife m.c.ing the procedings of letting me open up little gifts from my little boy.......him giggling, an smiling througout........was a mushy mule kick to the heart, and added another new level to the
unbridled joy of daddydome.
thank you Thuy, and thank you Bee Bao, for all things new, and switch clicking.
undying love to you both.
UnkaDon got to make the first comment!!!
Great pics, thanks for sharing.
Si, seƱor, indeed, a handsome little boy!
Congratulations on your blog........looking forward to more!
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