Thursday, January 24, 2008


BEEBAO you're crawling, walking holding on to things and trying out new tricks these days. You have been keeping MaMa and DaDa very busy. We've been so busy that we forgot to wish you a Happy 10th Month BDay this month. Oh, we finally got the main floor all baby proof. You are now roaming from the bedroom to the living room to the dinning room to the kitchen with nothing getting in your way. You are getting so much exercise and Mommy is getting a break from not carrying you around all the time. You're actually following Mommy around the house. You're getting big too fast now a day. You can say "Cat", "Duck" "Doggie" and of course "Mama" and "Dada" and know what they really are. And you are picking up food with your hands and putting them in your mouth. You're also holding on to the zippy cup and know that to get more to drink you have to tilt it up. We're still working on you holding on to the spoon and feeding yourself from a bowl. Oy! So messy!!! You love taking a bath with Daddy at night. You look for Daddy when you don't see him. You love Daddy so much!!! When you see him you crawl really quick to him and want to be pick up to hug him. So cute for Mama to see. (I will post pictures be continued...time to zzzzzz...)

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