Today, March 4th, 2008 you woke up at 7:30am smiling and gigling (yes this is almost everyday!) We cuddled in bed and sang you a birthday song. You had scramble eggs, cheese, toast and yogurt for breakfast. We played, read books, hugged and kissed. While Mommy cleaned up and made you lunch, you had a 2 hour morning nap. We ate tofu, chicken, avocado and pears for lunch. We went for a drive up the Gorge to Multnomah Falls with your car seat facing forward (we have been waiting forever to be able to do this.) You loved the drive and were very intrigued by the waterfall. You saw so many trees and we watched the train passing by as we stood on the bridge above the little stream by the waterfall. You were so excited in the car that you didn't take an afternoon nap in the car. When we got home, we tried putting you down but you wanted to play. You and Daddy played while Mommy cooked dinner and baked you a birthday cake. BeeBao had spaghetti and broccholi for dinner. Mommy and Daddy had stuffed chicken breast with herbs, bluecheese and etc...Then came the birthday cake...YUM YUM! Daddy said that he has been waiting for this day since you were born. We took lots of pictures and recorded the whole thing! It was so much fun! Daddy then gave you a bath, then you opened your birthday present and played for a little bit. Mommy and Daddy tucked you in and now you are soundly asleep. We sure hope you had a great birthday BEEBAO. We love you so much and have watched you grow and become smarter and smarter everyday. You are PERFECT to us. We are truely blessed and are so lucky to have you and be a happy family. Goodnight my boy! Sweet Dreams!!! Momma
BorisPop: happy first bday, my little boy! after all of these monthly birthdays we like to celebrate with you, it is nice to have a real deal bday that we can even have a bigger day with! when daddy was growing up, his mom would always bake a cake for him, and his sisters when it was their birthdays. she would then get us down to pretty much our naked selves in our high chairs, and let us dig into the cake with our bare hands! then, what ever was left over from the demolished cake, the rest of the family would get to divide up, all though, it was usually pretty much too gross to eat after each of us had put out hands in it, faces in it, and used it for war paint all over our bodies. we are keeping the tradition alive, with you, as is your aunt Shannon, with your cousin RJ...........and i did have some of the mushy cake after you were done, and it was really delicious!.....good job momma! you are a bit of a neat little you didnt get that messy with the cake, but im sure next year, when you have gotten your hands used to being dirty, you will tear into it with much more vigor.
happy bday BeeBao.........i am at peace and bliss in my life, just being your dada. i love you.

1 comment:
Happy B-day Bee Bao!! So glad to see you had such a joyful day!
Big Hugs and loads of Love to YOU!!
Padgett, Matt & Will
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