Joshua rode BeeBao tricycle around the house. You had so much fun sharing your toys with your BIG cousin Joshua! We went to the park and had lots of fun in the sun.

Joshua was swinging on our neighbor's swing. Daddy loves sharing his toys(XBOX, WII, etc...) with cousins as well. Joshua made 30 paper boats(we don't know why) so Timmy got a little creative. Michael was very surprised and happy that he woke up with the cutest little fuzzy animal he've ever seen!
BorisPop: ahhh, to play Halo 3 with people i know, and get dissed to my face, rather than by some other faceless punks in some other state or country over my ultra geeky headset.......bliss. and one of my favorite moments of the nephews' visit--> Timmy's Oragami McDonalds employee uniform and fries. priceless.

We went to OMSI and had lots of fun. We saw dinosaurs, and played with lots of cool stuff. Timmy and Michael learned how to make delicious sushi. Thanks to our friend Nagi and Dan for showing us how to make sushi. BeeBao looks for Joshua every morning to play.

Thanks Joshua, Michael and Timmy for helping us paint our diningroom wall. It looks so much better red instead of yucky green.
BeeBao's in his dragon towel getting ready for a bath. We met up with our friends and had some delicious pizza.

We hung out by the river and had dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. We told the waiter that it was Timmy and Joshua birthday, so they had to wear funny costumes and sing infront of lots of people.

You love your cousins and they love you so much too! We miss them lots! Hopefully we'll see them soon!!!

BorisPop: it was very nice to have your cousins, our nephews, for a whole week! the one thing that dada hates about not living in LA anymore is not being able to see them as much. we used to spend so much time together, and now they are growing up so fast, and we only see them a few times a year. your cousins have always been very special to me, BeeBao, like my own sons, or my own little brothers, or my best friends. your closeness to them, i believe, is in your DNA, as your mama and i love them so was natural for you to feel the same. they will be back soon, and this time, lets hope for some sunshine!