You started your Halloween festivities with some mellow costume catwalks for mom and dad in your new godzilla/dragon/dinosaur costume, which you would take little breaks to take big bites out of the giant pumpkin cookie we bought you the night before. You then went to visit your buddy, Gus, who was dressed as a pirate, and was going to do his trick-treating a bit earlier than you. Then, when you got home, we all went over to our neighbor's house (Sarah+Matt+Leif) for
a Halloween dinner party with your friends (and ours) from the neighborhood. Your girlfriend, Coco, was there, and the two of you buddied up for most of the party. After having fun there, and eating some of Sarah's killer homemade chili, we hit the streets for your first real trick or treating with all of your friends, but most of them dropped off pretty early, as they were all getting tired. So we burned through our block, and a couple others, with our friends from across the street (Krista+Bryan+Anna+Eric). We had the best time with them, as you and Anna would jointly go up to each door, and bang on the them. When the person would come to the door, you and Anna would modestly say "Tickyteat", and would receive candy rewards for your efforts........all while being gawked at and complemented by the candy peddlers for your and Anna's "cuteness" levels in your costumes, and gentle approach to this new ritual.
it was a great, great time, spending it with our new friends, and i have to say, the best Halloween i have ever had in my life, spending it with the two people i love the most in the world, you and your mommy. Everyday should be Halloween. Ill work on that.

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