BeeBao you grew 2 inches from our last doctor appointment! You are now 29 3/4" tall and you weight 17lbs, less than a pound since our last visit. We think it's because you are so active and you were sick a week before our check up. You had a cold two weeks ago and didn't want to eat much. You are also teething. You have 2 bottom teeth and your top teeth are coming in. So you've been drooling a lot. You're so excitable about so many little things. You're so happy. We've worked hard for you to be so happy. And now we can get a little break because you can sit and play by yourself for a very long time. Mommy don't have to nurse you every hour and a half. And we are getting more sleep these days. You have been eating new food, like avacado, toasted bread, cheese, yogurt, pear, cottage cheese, banana and you love it all. You love picture books and enjoy being read to. And you're crawling and walking holding on to things. Oh my oh my...yes the fun begins!

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