BorisPop: daddy thought that you would go nuts over the BeeScooter, but maybe he overthought this. you did a good job at tearing through the wrapping paper, then looked at me quite puzzled when your new ride-able bug was finally out of wraps. while you seem to enjoy an occasional ride around the house on your new scooter, you have much more fun playing with it's antennas, making them go "boing boing boiing"...........
give it some sure it will grow on ya, in all its funky glory.....
happy 3/4 bday, my baby boy........dada loves ya, and so does your BeeScooter, dang it!


"I still don't get it Daadaa....."

"Oooo now the fun begins!!!! Whooooopppppteeeeedooooo.....bzzzzzbbbzzzzzzz!"
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