Tuesday, January 1, 2008

BeeBao gives Dada THEE gift......

BorisPop: New Years Eve 2007.............you gave me the most precious gift i have ever received (besides coming into our lives) and that is calling me "da-da" during a diaper change at your god father/mother's home just as their new years eve party was about to kick off. this being your first word, at this specific place, at this specific time, made it poetic, sweet, and forever burned into your Daddy's brain and heart. mommy, luckily was there with the camera rolling by chance, and so i can forever look back at it, and share.
i got a good start by making everybody at the party watch it (a few times) and also found myself finding a quiet spot about every 20 minutes, for another viewing, with the same joy pulsing through me each time i watched it.
thank you Dinky Bee.......you closed the greatest year of my life with the best moment ever. now lets get "momma" down for the new year.........she deserves it!


Hallie and Michael said...

Wonderful. I just watched it 3 times and he isn't even my boy. What a great way to end the new year. Jonah did a special thing too. He pooped while taking a bath. Does that count? The difference is you probably hope that many more words exit Bee Bao and I truly hope a poop in the tub never happens again. Happy New Year.

Luke C. said...

That's just fucking adorable.
Isn't amazing how children can bring out behaviors I would NEVER expect to see out of their parents?
(MiQ, I'm refering to you buddy)
Congrats, MiQ and Thuy, your lil' monster/bee is absolutely adorable.
(The first baby I've ever held)

greg oakes said...

That was AWESOME!!! :) It's one of the greatest feelings in the world eh?! We were the same way with our first, but it was so long ago I can't recall if we actually got it on video or not. To be honest I can't recall the specific 'time & place' moment when each kid did the "momma" and "dadda" thing for the first time; there is no doubt it was the greatest feeling in the world though!! This BABY BORIS BLOG is a BLAST!!! ;) All the best in 2008!! Thanks again for the reply! Take care,... ~go

RobSchwager said...

Congrats brother! Such a special moment and you guys were fortunate enough to get it on tape for posterity.