You are now 19 months old, and it is now obvious, that you have your father's gift
for tongue wagging. you also have the good grace to have your mommy's gift of choosing
your words wisely. i dont know if this is because you just dont have the largest arsenal of words
at your grasp yet, or if it is indeed, passed down from your mother.........but i can tell you, i love to
listen to you wether you are stringing along words that make sense to only you, or making your animal sounds
(which is getting us pretty close to good singalong attempts at "old macdonald"......who you actually call, "donald"),
or parroting words you hear through out the day, or just firing off your daily routine of words that you know by now,
results in actions you enjoy.
you now (FINALLY!), call your mother "momma" and "mommy"........and it is never said frivolously. it is always said with
a glow of affection and a primal pride in that she is YOUR mommy, and no one else's. it was around this time that you started
calling me "daddy" as well. you have been calling me "daddy" since new years eve this past year, but you also called the couch
daddy......and your fork......and a bookshelf......and your sneakers.......etc......
now, only I, am daddy.............and it melts my heart every time i hear it. but it even melted my heart when "daddy" was also the
kitchen sink. im a "soft touch".
you also know your name, which always gets mommy and i laughing when you say it, as you have your own spin.
you call yourself "Bah-Boo"........i figure if it sticks, its all yours!
here are some new-ish words you have recently brought into your vocabulary, and i can just listen to over and over....
1. my favorite........"Turtle"..........pronounced, by you......"Tur-tull".
2. "Bu-Bayum!".......said when you punch the wall, door, or your Diego doll in the face.
3. "Cro-Ca".........crocodile
4. "Ca-doo-doo"..........the sound a rooster makes
5. "Crow" and "Ahh! Ahh!"........in response to the many crows in our neighborhood........about the only thing you didnt call daddy as your universal word for anything you can see.
6. "Austin" and "Pablo".......your two favorite characters from the Backyardigans. you have a cousin named Austin, and im sure he is going to love reading this.
7. "Neigh-Neigh"........you know how to say horse, but i think you find it inappropriate for the animal, and would rather call it
what it says.
8. "Eee-nom-oh-nee-mi"........no idea, but awesome.
9. "Co-Co".......your girlfriend on 40th............and..............."Na-Va".........your girlfriend on 38th
10. "Connnne".........corn on the cob........easily, one of your favorite foods
i could go on and on........and i will later.
more experiences, more love, more joy.
in this life, im finally listening.
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