hell on earth, that is now in your mouth. you would think that 40+ years, they would have found a way to
make this stuff taste better. i guess not. my least favorite thing to do in the day is to give these drops to BeeBao, as he always
seems up to it, ready to give it a go again........that maybe, just maybe, the drops wont taste so awful today. but, that is never the case, and he just troops on. i tasted a couple drops the other day, to see if he was just being dramatic........and he is not.
it tastes like putting your whole tongue on a 9 volt battery, that maybe had a orange peel rubbed all over it. in 40+ years, the fine folks at Gerber have succeeded in making this an even more horrible experience for tikes. its ok BeeBao....when you have teeth, ill introduce you to Flinstones chewables.....they are sooo much better. eeeyuck.

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