Your cousin Joshua(AKA Daddy's little shadow) and you have been having so much fun together. You love spending time with him. Whenever you wake up Joshua would run to you to make sure you're ok and let Mommy know that you are awake. When you see him, your eyes open wide and you give him the biggest smile. It warms my heart to see the connection. To think that we will miss hanging out with him when we go home really breaks my heart. I know you will miss him and will look for him. Aaaaah...we will make the most of the rest of the week and enjoy every moment with Joshua. And when we come back and visit again during XMAS, you will walk and it will be so fun. I know you will walk early, you love to stand!
Little Joshua is a character, full of energy and life! He loves to talk...ALL DAY long. He likes to ask lots of questions, no wonder he is so bright and knows a lot of things. He is a curious little boy. He also loves to follow Daddy around. Whatever Daddy does, Joshua wants to do and ask why why why. It does not annoy us as it annoy his two brothers Michael (13) and Timmy(16). We love talking to Joshua and spending time with him. He is a really sweet boy and has been so helpful with helping us taking care of you. Aaaa little Joshua...
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