We're in LA!!! BeeBao first plane ride was awesome! Thank you so much for being a perfect baby. Mommy and Daddy was a little nervous because we didn't know how you take it. But you took it so well!!! Amazingly well!!! You were looking and observing the whole time. Smiling at passengers and making conversations(in your cute baby voice.) You slept a little bit but for the most awake part you did so well. Thank you so much. I'm hoping that it will be this perfect on the way back. LA Airport is way busier and crazier than Portland. Aaaaa...grrrr...LA traffic suck. Everyone is always in a hurry and racing to get to places. MADNESS I tell you MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!
We're in LA for our first solo art show and it went really well. Many people came to our solo "TWEEQIM, 365 MOONS" show, more than we expected. Some people travelled from far places! Many people have been following what we do and tell us that they love our work. This make Mommy and Daddy feel very good at what we do for a living. We got a lot of great compliments on our work. We were sent here and sponsored by Pepsi and our plane ticket, fancy hotel and a few cool things were FREE! I love that! FREEEEEEEEEE! (A few years ago we went to Italy and met Armani for FREE! That's another story Mommy have to write later!) I hope we get sponsored more to do what we love.
You went in the pool for the first time. We stayed at Le Parc Hotel in West Hollywood. The pool and tennis court was on top of the roof and we can see a smoggy view of LA. We had fun. I love staying in nice Hotels. Oh! We finally get to eat at our favorite Thai's Restaurant. Ooooo so yummy!!!
Grandma was so happy to see you! And you finally met your Auntie Wendy! She loves you! And you so love little Joshua. He can make you laugh so loud. Mommy brain is scattered right now. I have not been sleeping much for two weeks. And your cousin Joshua(7) is trying to read this as I'm typing and he is confusing Mommy! So I will stop now and go to bed and post more pics tomorrow. We have many plans and people to see, meet many people on this trip. I'm also distracted as Daddy is explaining to cousins Michael and Joshua that the Who was the first Rock N ROll band and Daddy meet them and had wine with one of them. Mommy brain is fading as Joshua is next to Mommy ears asking why why why why why...GO TO SLEEP LITTLE JOSHUA...JOSHUA IS STILL READING WHILE MOMMY IS TYPING AND ASKING WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! to be continued.
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