BeeBao was a Tigerrr!!!

In the evening we met up with Jonah and his parents at one of our favorite pizza restaurants and local pub, Laurelwood. BeeBao was a BEE!!! Jonah was a skeleton.

We met Gus and his parents. He was a little Punk Rock baby.

We all went Trick O Treating in our neighborhood. People really do it up here on Halloween. Our street were packed with kids. We met most of our neighbors. Most of the family have little kids. So we were happy to see them. BeeBao will grow up with lots of neighborhood friends. Also some invited us for dinner. We were surprised and happy at how friendly the neighbors were.

BeeBao wasn't at all scared with all the scary costumes. We were out passed your bedtime and you were really into it. OK, Mommy and Daddy was really into it too. And excited that we can go trick o treating again every year. Next year the whole family will dress up! We'll make something cool!

This house was a little scary and this man was totally in character. Creeepeeeeeeee!!!

Mommy got scared when this man popped up from the table and started talking to us.

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