We decided yes it is time for the 3 of us to walk down the street and go to the last Saturday Farmers Market to get our produce and breakfast. It was raining outside. It took us nearly 30 minutes to find Daddy an extra umbrella. We found 2 and they were both broken. So Daddy put on his snowboarding jacket instead! Heehee. And look who we bumped into on the way! AaaaahOooooh!!!

There were many kids, people and dogs walking around. Mommy and Daddy love the rain around here. It was a nice weather for us outside. We love the smell of it and breath in refreshing air. Oh on the way there we saw tons of kids going into a building. We followed them and discovered the coolest kids gym. I think it's for walking babies and kids from 10 months old thru 12 years old. The nice lady gave us a tour. We will definitely bring you there in a few months. You will be up and walking pretty soon. Lately you have been trying to crawl and you like to hang on to things standing up.

On the way back we went to the fish store. Whenever we go to the fish store Daddy and Mommy always pretend as if we were going to get a fish tank and some fishyssss. Like "Oh this fish tank would look cool in BeeBao's room and these fishys are cool looking!" We say that infront of people who work there. It won't happen for a while but it's fun pretending. Heehee...

It was a nice walk back. Lots of colorful leaves on the ground and lots bright color trees. Yea, there are names for them, but we don't know what they are. We will ask around.

We are infront of one our neighbors' house. They like to plant interesting looking plants and flowers in their front yard.
The purple berries looking plant looks cool. We didn't really let you touch it.

We took a lot of fun interesting pictures. BeeBao enjoyed looking at our reflection in this puddle infront of our house.

Our neighbor across the street threw a party for their 2 months baby Eric. We were invited. We met a lot of cool people and cool neighbors. Some people have been living in this neighborhood for more than 15 years or longer. We found out a lot about our house and previous owners. The original owner of our house way back had a garage band and there were a lot of parties thrown here. We also found out that the previous owners were really into gardening and keeping the yard nice. It's a good thing. Everyone was so warm and nice! BeeBao had fun playing with the kids.

Here's BeeBao and baby Eric. He has lots of hair!

What a fun day we had! BeeBao and Daddy hug and kiss before bedtime.

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