Friday, November 16, 2007


BeeBao is still as happy as he can be with being sick. Stuffy nose, cough cough. We didn't go outside for a week! It's getting colder and people are sick everywhere. Mommy got sick last week. Thanks to our neighbor. BeeBao is sick this week. We just hung out at home, play games and lots of hugs and kisses. Next week we'll have lots of playdates!
BorisPop: and here i thought your not having a runny nose for the first 8 months of life meant you just were never going
to have them, and gross dada out. but you know what......? yer just like everybody else, and ya get em, to my rude awakening that you're just not as imune to the little nasties that float through the atmosphere as i had fantisized. but thats alright, BeeBao, when its your own son with a gooey river running from his nose, you tend to love it all anyhoo. and by the clearly handle illness like your happy about the fact that you dont turn into a helpless whiner like your beloved papa.

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